Woohoo! You’ve Successfully Registered for Sunday’s PBIC Coaching Call

We have just sent you a confirmation of your registration through GoToWebinar to the PBIC Coaching Call via email.

It will be arriving shortly from GoToWebinar directly and will include the link you use to join the PBIC session.

If you have any questions please contact us via our support desk by emailing (support@perfectbiz.com) or submitting a ticket here.  In the meantime, please read the details below on how to get the most out of your PBIC coaching call.

How to Get the Most Out of Your PBIC Coaching Calls

I wanted to take a quick moment to give you some advice on what I would do if I were in your shoes so you can hopefully maximize the value out of your PBIC membership and weekly coaching calls.

These 3 things are specifically designed so you can get the most out of the PBIC.

  1. Be Active – That starts by showing up to the PBIC calls live whenever you possibly can or sending in your questions in advance of the call (more on that below).
  2. Be Prepared – Before you attend it’s ideal if you’ve reviewed your watchlist and noted any charts of interest or questions about the broad market, individual charts, or anything else ahead of time.
  3. Engage in the PBIC Call – This is the big one.Of course, you can get value from showing up and passively listening to what Ryan has to say and his thoughts or opinions of the charts, questions, and trades from other members.Yet if I were you I’d prepare any question and any chart I thought were of interest in advance.  I’d add as much context/detail as I could so I could get a good analysis by Ryan on my thoughts and questions.

By doing these 3 things you will really help yourself understand what is clicking for you with our system and strategies and what you may need to improve on in your own trading practice.

So there you have.

See you at the next PBIC coaching call.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you’ll find some frequently asked questions that should help you but if you need anything please reach out to us here (opens in a new tab).

What if I Can’t Make it Live?

If you are unable to join us on one of the live PBIC calls you may submit a support ticket below with any question(s) or chart(s) you’d like Ryan to review for you.

To have your question or chart covered please include the following:

  • Place PBIC in the support ticket subject line.
  • Include the ticker symbol + details of what you are looking at or have a question on.
  • Please be as detailed as you possibly can so we don’t have to guess at what you are thinking.

Here’s an Example for Your Reference

Subject line: PBIC – KO breakout

Ryan, I’m looking at KO for a breakout over 54. The volume has increased and the option chains look good specifically the October 54 call options.  Am I reading the chart as a clear breakout with a bullish bias on the broad market right now?

Submit your question via the support desk right here.

Are the Coaching Calls Recorded?

Yes! We record all PBIC coaching sessions and upload the recordings within the members area within a few hours of the coaching call ending.

We aim to do this as fast as possible so you can watch it at your convenience and prepare for the coming week.

To navigate to the PBIC members area follow these steps.

  1. Go to your member portal login at: https://training.perfectbiz.com/ 
  2. Login to your member account. If you can’t remember your password click the forgot your password link.
  3. Once logged in click on PBIC in your member dashboard.
  4. Navigate to the weekly recording you’d like to review.
  5. That’s it.

What if a PBIC Call is Cancelled?

On rare occasions due to illness or circumstances outside of our control, we may have to cancel a PBIC coaching call.  If this occurs you will be notified via email with as much advanced notice as we can provide.

Of course, we hope to not have to do this but it has occurred on occasion in the past.

Should this occur Ryan will do his best to provide supplemental value if possible and in the past this has been long-form text written email updates, video recording, chart reviews, private videos, etc.

Does Ryan Give Us Specific Trades to Trade?

As a reminder, we are NOT an advisory service and do NOT provide specific trade recommendations ever.

There are many reasons that we don’t do this but one of the biggest is that everyone is unique and your trading should follow the decisions that are best for you not what I feel is best for me.

If you haven’t already please refresh yourself with our disclaimer below and if you are not ok with it please contact us here so we can cancel your PBIC membership.

If you have further questions about this or anything else please feel free to contact us via our support desk.

On your side,
– Ryan Coisson
Ryan Coisson PB Code